German Driver S License Us States


Yes, you can But you will need an International Drivers License. You can get one from your local Rathaus/ADAC/Faherscheinestelle. If stopped by the cops in the US, then show your German Lic. If renting a car in the US, the Car rental company will usually also require the above 2 licenses before you can rent a car. If its good enough for the car rental co. Then it should also be good for the cops. The IDL is not valid by itself, and must be presented with your German DL at all times.

Driving in Germany. In order to get a German driver's license based on a license from. Licenses without any written or driving exam no matter what US state. Applying for a German Driver’s License. Which US states have driver’s license. It’s usually easier for expats to get an Austrian driver’s license than.

When I arrived to Germany in 2006, I applied to the German license which was given after the 6 months period. I had the company write me a letter stating that I will be travelling to US and that the US driving license is the main identification paper, and based on that I kept BOTH. When I went back to US for a visit in January I had to apply for an IDL which to my surprise was not issued by ADAC, they mentioned that do not do that, and they do not translate German license into English. Only foreign ones into German. Needless to say, I went to the Fueherscheinstelle and they made me one on the spot which is valid for 3 years, has to be combined with a original licnese, cost 10 EUR and they need a photo. The reason for that was that some hire companies do not allow you to drive on a foreign license, you need an IDL and my US one had expired before the trip Hope this is helpful!

@Allershausen Just because you did it (Rental place let you) doesn't make it Legal/valid. If you would have gotten pulled over you would have had a prob. @HEM A US Citizen can use their US Drivers license to legally drive in Germany for 90 Days. After that a German DL Is required. Read the OP's post again.

They want to use a German DL to drive in the US (Colorado). In this case it is possible, but an IDP is required (To be Legal) regardless of if the rental company requires it or not.

Them's the laws, if you don't follow'em then your asking for trouble. (If you get pulled over/into an accident). Every time I read this topic I think it says ' Driving back to the U.S. With a German license'. At my last job in california, when i told the receptionist that i'd be moving to germany, she asked me whether i'd be driving there and how long of a drive it would be.


She is a really nice person, so i didn't want to give her any smart ass response. I was just like, no it's not possible because there's no bridge, but it would be kind of cool though if they built a bridge from alaska to siberia, and you could actually drive straight to europe. But anyway, there must be over a million foreign tourists who drive in the u.s. They can't all have international licenses, come on. I rented a car with a german license, after my u.s. One had expired. It was no problem.


Cost Of German Driver's License

I wouldn't bother with the international license, but if you have some spare time and want to be on the safe side, i'm sure it can't hurt. Quick facts for foreign visitors about driving in the United States. To drive in the United States, you must obtain an international driver's permit (IDP) from your home country before coming to the U.S. The IDP verifies that you hold a valid license in your home country. The IDP serves as a translation of your driver's license into 10 languages.

It is your foreign driver's license (translated by the IDP) that allows you to drive in the United States. Contact the automobile association or driving authorities in your home country to get an international driving permit before traveling, as the United States does NOT issue international driver's permits to foreign visitors. If you obtain a valid international driver's permit from your country of origin before you come to the U.S., you may rent a car and drive before you get your U.S. Driver's license. Check with the rental car company regarding minimum age to rent a car.