Astronomy Mira Software


This is the reason CCD cameras are cooled. MM-clip is available in the CCDStack and Mira software packages. Return to CCD Theory Page. Costa College - Astronomy. Astronomy, the oldest of all scientific studies, has played a vital role in the development of modern science.

Introducing the New Mira AL Software Since 2005, Mira AL has been a staple of astronomy educators, students, and amateur astronomers doing real science on a tight budget. It provides a critical core of accurate tools for extracting scientific results from digital images. Application areas: Science education, public outreach, amateur astronomy. Mira AL is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit editions:. The 64-bit edition utilizes expanded 64-bit memory space and provides faster processing than the 32-bit edition. As a native 64-bit application, it requires a 64-bit Windows platform. The 32-bit edition runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and utilizes the full 32-bit memory space.

Mira AL showing images, enhancement, photometry, plotting, and measurements Mira AL is designed for amateur astronomers, educators, and students who want to visualize and measure scientific data but have only simple or occasional needs for image calibration and data reduction. To add tools for image calibration, processing, and enhancement, see If you are an astronomy or science educator considering options for teaching astronomy, look no further! Depending on your needs, Mira AL can be installed for one user per machine, with separate accounts for multiple users' on the same machine, or on a server.

Mira AL employs scientifically accurate methods and innovative GUI techniques that allow users to measure and visualize data in ways that cannot be done using software derived from graphics arts, photo viewing, or camera controlling applications. Despite its modest price, Mira AL truly is 'industrial strength' scientific software, and it is remarkably easy to learn and use. Mira AL embodies what we've learned during 15 years in the business and was developed with input and review by science educators and EPO professionals.

Mira AL includes many of the highly acclaimed measurement and visualization tools in our heavy-duty astronomical research software. But Mira AL is by no means light on capability! While Mira AL does have the ability to create and apply CCD calibration frames (bias, dark, and flat), we did not complicate it with the more detailed data reduction and automated image calibration tools you'll find in Mira Pro and Mira MX. The result is software that can be used to advantage at the middle school level yet offers advanced capabilities that satisfy the needs of introductory college level classes. One year of maintenance is included; after one year, discounted annual maintenance is available to provide tech support and keep your software current.

Key Features. Display, plot, animate, blink, and visually enhance images in grayscale, color, and pseudo-color. Measure high-precision coordinates, distance, angle, brightness, and statistics, using both pixel units and world coordinates.

Detect fainter objects and increase the statistical significance of measurements using image combining and normalization techniques. Correct alignment and distortion of image stacks using Mira's exclusive high-precision registration package or its 1-click alignment on point sources or extended objects. Perform basic intensity calibrations: create and apply bias, dark, and flat frames, do image math and filtering.

Astronomy Software Reviews

Use FITS, TIFF, JPEG, BMP, and other images of any size, 8 to 64 bits per pixel, integer and real types, plus 24 bit color. Record your work using a text editor for messages and notes, and screen capture to copy and save windows or regions of the Mira screen.

Applications. Mira AL makes it easy to make research quality photometric measurements of any number of stars with any number of standards on any number of images. Doing ensemble photometry, plotting light curves, and reporting results are a snap!. Use Mira AL for Variable star discovery & monitoring, milli-mag level photometry, supernova patrol, minor planet rotation studies. Use Mira AL to data mine archival science images available on the Web. Do hands-on analysis of terabytes of multi-wavelength data from ground and space-based instruments, as well as your own CCD images.

Ideal for K-12 and college astronomy education. Mira AL Reviewed by Sky & Telescope Magazine. Mira AL is the subject of a 2 page product review in the December 2006 issue of Sky & Telescope magazine (see ). From the magazine's Table of Contents: S&T Test Report: Mira AL: Powerful Introduction to Image Processing and Analysis. 'With its attractive price and impressive capabilities, this software is an ideal gateway to professional-quality imaging.

Astronomy software reviews

By Joe Heafner' Who benefits from Mira AL?. Science students and educators, middle school through college. Amateur astronomers, especially those collaborating with professionals or working with AAVSO, Exoplanet Search, ALPO, and similar organizations. Students in distance learning and on-line degree programs. Scientists and EPO professionals doing outreach.

Related Products:. (advanced features, no scripting). (advanced features, scripting). (64-bit, advanced features, scripting).: Mira AL Site License with Mira Pro UE, ideal for teaching and curriculum development!. K-12 Educators: See the K-12 section of our for Mira AL Classroom Licenses plus Student & Teacher discounts. More Information. Requirements.

Mira Astronomy Software

Windows 7/8/10 (32 or 64 bit), Windows Vista (32 or 64 bit), Windows XP, Server 2003, or 100% compatible Windows environment on Linux or Mac. Hard Drive Space: 60 MB. Minimum Platform: Windows ® XP SP3, 2GB memory.