Nl Ebook Linda Lael Miller


Linda Lael Miller was born in 1949 as Linda Lael in Washington in the United States. She is known by her nick name as Lael St. Linda’s father was a town marshal though he and Linda’s uncle called Jake Lael used to compete on the rodeo circuit. Linda, from a young age was an avid reader. She had begun writing her own stories by the time she was ten years old. Linda as a child would go to visit an elderly neighbour of hers who would recount to her stories of how she had met an outlaw called Jesse James.

The neighbour would also recount to her how she witnessed a gun fight involving the Dalton brothers. Linda Lael is the daughter of a town marshal.

  • Description Linda Lael Miller - De Creeds van Montana - Dylan, NL Ebook(epub) Linda Lael Miller (geboren in 1949 als Linda Lael) Wilt u meer weten over Linda Lael.
  • Knights - Kindle edition by Linda Lael Miller. Linda Lael Miller is the author of more than a hundred historical and contemporary novels.

In January of 2006, NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Linda Lael Miller left the Arizona horse property she's called home for the past five years and listened to the.

She attributes her blossoming writing career to an event in the past where a teacher saw the stories she was writing and the teacher commented that her articles were good and that she might end up having a career in writing. She took these words seriously and began working on her writing skills. She however faced her share of challenges and rejections in the writing industry before she was able to sell, “Fletcher’s woman” which she did in 1983 to pocket books. This sale seems to be the opening of her writing career because since then she has sold and published historicals, contemporary works, paranormals and thrillers later she decided to concentrate on writing novels with a western taste. Her work has earned her distinct attention from the Romance Writers of America which gave her the prestigious Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement award in 2007.

Linda finished high school in Northport Washington but she did not go to college. She got married and spent ten years living in Spokane and after this she decided to move away from Washington. Linda has lived in Italy and in London. She spent five years living in Arizona and later moved back to her native city of Washington in 2006. She has been in the writing industry since 1983.

Her genre of works is mainly romance. She is the bestselling author of more than a hundred literary works in the genres of contemporary, historical and romance that have earned her many awards and placements in various best seller lists on some occasions she has written her books using the nick name Lael St. Linda published the Creed Cowboy trilogy in 2011 which comprised of “A creed in stone creek”, “Creed’s honour” and the “Creed legacy”.

Current Releases

The three books were released in March, June and July respectively. Each of these books topped the New York Times best seller list. These three books were set in the typical Northern American cowboy setting and they are the story of courage, persistence, perseverance and honour which are the core values of the Northern American way of life.

Upcoming Books

Linda lael has set up a foundation called the Linda Lael scholarships for women. The purpose of the scholarships is to assist women who are struggling to further their education through a trade school, traditional college or through a university.

Funds for these scholarships are funded by the fees that she charges at speaking engagements and a winner can spend the proceeds of these funds on whatever expense which include childcare and transport that will allow the person to attend school. Linda lael’s works The first manuscript that Linda wrote was rejected afterwards publishers took her book, “Fletcher’s woman” a historical romance book from there onwards she has been able to sell over 77 books spanning the genres of romance novel subgenres that include contemporary works, suspense, time travel and paranormal.

The historical romantic works are set up in a range of time periods ranging from the medieval time period to the American West time period. Linda Lael is best recognised by her romantic novels set up in the Western part of the United States. One of her books,”Mc Ketrick’s Choice” was able to reach 15th position on the New York Times Best seller list.

Miller was interviewed previously on which genre of her works she loved the most and she gave a famous response that she loved best the western genres of her novels and that according to her the story of cowboys was the story of the great North American myth composed of courage, honour and persistence. She added that these values were what people needed to take after.

By Series


Linda has also described her Western genre of novels as naturally romantic. She further gave the example of the big skies; lonely prairies and that these scenes are the perfect conditions for adventure, danger, sorrow and romance to take place. Linda has crafted the heroine characters in her works as strong independent women. She said that she wanted them to be pictured as good examples who people can emulate as being independent and able to look after themselves.

Linda has been nominated six times for awards by the Romance writers association of America. This is the most prestigious honour a romance writer can be bestowed. She has won the silver pen award and the Romantic Times award for the most sensual historical romance.