Threshold S300 Manual


Threshold Nelson Pass era amps. Anyway on audiogon there is an s/300 series 2 for $2200 which seems a. I owned a Threshold S300 Series II back in the 1980s.

  1. Dell S300 Manual

Price Paid $1700 Threshold T-200 Stereo Power Amplifier. 100 watts per channel Class A. Bought second hand for $1700 australian dollars from Simply Hi Fi specialist retailer. This is my first experience with class A amplifiers. Compared to my Bel Banto ref 1000's, Bryston 4bsst and auditioned musical fidelity 250 watt amplifier, this amp is absolutely in a different leaque. Its sound is so airy and 3 dimensional that it gives you a unique realistik experience that I have not encountered before.

Midrange and treble to die for and yet so unfatiquing. Lovely low end with great definition. Everything just blends and flows so amazingly real and super clean together. Total synergy as i have never experienced before. I now know what sound stage means. Love it, love it, love it. BelCanto has greater low end than all however its definition somehat lacks, as well as somewhat recessed / inviting sound stage and lacking averall unison in its complete presentation compared to the Threshold T-200.

Used with Tannoy System 800 8' bockshelf speakers which are very unfatiquing, soft treble and normally not very revealing, the Threshold T-200 has turned them into an amazing performa. I generally only use Electrostatic Speakers, Rob Mc Kinlay Acorns and Accoustat 4+4, cant wait to try this amp on them. Strength: Unbelivably real, cohenrent 3 dimensional sound, layering of instruments and midrange / treble / bass.

An uneexpected improvement and amazing experience over previuos power amps used. Weakness: Not as small as Bel Cantos, but then what is besides Nu Force amps. May run hotter than AB amps and requires breathing room, but none of this realyy matters with sound as amazing as this. Equipment: Marantz SA11S2- SACD, Pass Labs X2.5-pre amp, Kimber 8tc cables and Select I.C. Bel Canto Ref 1000-amps & Bryston 4BSST. & Threshold T-200 Stereo Power Amplifier.

100 watts per channel ClassA in Balanced mode, Acorn 8 foot ESL and 6x4 Foot Acoustat 4+4 ESL speakers. Price Paid $1700 Threshold T-200 Stereo Power Amplifier. 100 watts per channel Class A. Bought second hand for $1700 australian dollars from Simply Hi Fi specialist retailer.

This is my first experience with class A amplifiers. Compared to my Bel Banto ref 1000's, Bryston 4bsst and auditioned musical fidelity 250 watt amplifier, this amp is absolutely in a different leaque. Its sound is so airy and 3 dimensional that it gives you a unique realistik experience that I have not encountered before. Midrange and treble to die for and yet so unfatiquing. Lovely low end with great definition.

Everything just blends and flows so amazingly real and super clean together. Total synergy as i have never experienced before. I now know what sound stage means. Love it, love it, love it.

BelCanto has greater low end than all however its definition somehat lacks, as well as somewhat recessed / inviting sound stage and lacking averall unison in its complete presentation compared to the Threshold T-200. Used with Tannoy System 800 8' bockshelf speakers which are very unfatiquing, soft treble and normally not very revealing, the Threshold T-200 has turned them into an amazing performa.

I generally only use Electrostatic Speakers, Rob Mc Kinlay Acorns and Accoustat 4+4, cant wait to try this amp on them. Strength: Unbelivably real, cohenrent 3 dimensional sound, layering of instruments and midrange / treble / bass.

An uneexpected improvement and amazing experience over previuos power amps used. Weakness: Not as small as Bel Cantos, but then what is besides Nu Force amps.

May run hotter than AB amps and requires breathing room, but none of this realyy matters with sound as amazing as this. Equipment: Marantz SA11S2- SACD, Pass Labs X2.5-pre amp, Kimber 8tc cables and Select I.C. Bel Canto Ref 1000-amps & Bryston 4BSST. & Threshold T-200 Stereo Power Amplifier. 100 watts per channel ClassA in Balanced mode, Acorn 8 foot ESL and 6x4 Foot Acoustat 4+4 ESL speakers. Strength: This amp, as long as your source and pre are on par with the T200 will let you hear all details, nuances, which include the saliva sounds of the singers lips seperating, the deep and soft breaths of the singers and horn players.

The amp is never lacking warmth unless other components being used are not up to par, anyone who thinks the T200 lacks warmth was either using cheap cables or source components in the chain. This amp is one of the most musical I have ever heard with a midrange that is so harmonically rich and seductive that it just draws you into the recording. This amp will reproduce the recording as is, and a terrible recording will sound terrible no color here! The bass is quick deep and the seperation of bass notes sound very real. The difference between this and a top of the line tube amp is about 8 rows With the T200 your in about the 7th row and with the tube amp the 15th row.

For the price you can pick one up used 1500.00 these are a steal and should sale for much more. Strength: This amp, as long as your source and pre are on par with the T200 will let you hear all details, nuances, which include the saliva sounds of the singers lips seperating, the deep and soft breaths of the singers and horn players. The amp is never lacking warmth unless other components being used are not up to par, anyone who thinks the T200 lacks warmth was either using cheap cables or source components in the chain. This amp is one of the most musical I have ever heard with a midrange that is so harmonically rich and seductive that it just draws you into the recording. This amp will reproduce the recording as is, and a terrible recording will sound terrible no color here!

The bass is quick deep and the seperation of bass notes sound very real. The difference between this and a top of the line tube amp is about 8 rows With the T200 your in about the 7th row and with the tube amp the 15th row. For the price you can pick one up used 1500.00 these are a steal and should sale for much more. The Threshold T200 is a wonderful amplifier, very smooth yet detailed and extended at the frequency extremes.

When mated with an appropriate preamplifier, or perhaps no preamplifier at all, this amplifier can really sing! The amp in this particular system ehibits exellent depth, smooth yet crystaline treble extension, with exellent bass control and slam. The Stereophile review was very accurate, the amp considered a class 'A' component.

It almost never looses its nerve when driven hard, but may run out of juice when driven with an inefficient load, but still drives about anything to satisfying levels. The output devices are no longer available, but service can be had by ex Threshold employees, as mentioned by another review. I do not think you can find better solid state sound for under 2K (used price), but it does run hot! The amp is fully biased into class A, the entire amplifier acting as a heat sink! I use the amp on its own dedicated 20 amp circuit, with 2 AudioPrism Quetlines plugged into audio grade outlets, and an Audio Power PE-1 Power Enhancer plugged in also. Interconnects to amplifier have been the HT Pro-Silway MKII, and currently the Silver Audio Appasionatta Pure silver SE, speaker cables are the XLO Signurature 5.1s.

Speakers used recently with the amp are/were the Von Schweikert VR4 Gen IIs, B&W N805, Revel F20, Monitor Audio Studio 6, and Acoustic Energy. The Threshold T200 is a wonderful amplifier, very smooth yet detailed and extended at the frequency extremes. When mated with an appropriate preamplifier, or perhaps no preamplifier at all, this amplifier can really sing!

The amp in this particular system ehibits exellent depth, smooth yet crystaline treble extension, with exellent bass control and slam. The Stereophile review was very accurate, the amp considered a class 'A' component. It almost never looses its nerve when driven hard, but may run out of juice when driven with an inefficient load, but still drives about anything to satisfying levels.

The output devices are no longer available, but service can be had by ex Threshold employees, as mentioned by another review. I do not think you can find better solid state sound for under 2K (used price), but it does run hot! The amp is fully biased into class A, the entire amplifier acting as a heat sink!

Threshold S300 Manual

I use the amp on its own dedicated 20 amp circuit, with 2 AudioPrism Quetlines plugged into audio grade outlets, and an Audio Power PE-1 Power Enhancer plugged in also. Interconnects to amplifier have been the HT Pro-Silway MKII, and currently the Silver Audio Appasionatta Pure silver SE, speaker cables are the XLO Signurature 5.1s. Speakers used recently with the amp are/were the Von Schweikert VR4 Gen IIs, B&W N805, Revel F20, Monitor Audio Studio 6, and Acoustic Energy. For the last few years I've gone through several solid state and tube amps trying to find the best of both worlds.

Well, I believe I finally found it. This amp has the dynamics, control and speed of the best in solid state, combined with the finesse, soundstage, and 3-D quality of tubes. The only down-side, being pure class 'A', is that the amp gets almost as hot as a tube design. Now I think I can stop searching and start listening. Associated equipment: SAE 8000 tuner, McIntosh C22 (reissue) preamp, Threshold T200 amp, Thorens TD-125 turntable w/SME 3009 MkII arm and Grado 8MZ Signature phono cartg., Pioneer PD65 Elite Series CD player, Denon DRM-740 cass deck, Martin Logan Aerius i speakers. For the last few years I've gone through several solid state and tube amps trying to find the best of both worlds.

Well, I believe I finally found it. This amp has the dynamics, control and speed of the best in solid state, combined with the finesse, soundstage, and 3-D quality of tubes. The only down-side, being pure class 'A', is that the amp gets almost as hot as a tube design. Now I think I can stop searching and start listening.

Dell S300 Manual

Associated equipment: SAE 8000 tuner, McIntosh C22 (reissue) preamp, Threshold T200 amp, Thorens TD-125 turntable w/SME 3009 MkII arm and Grado 8MZ Signature phono cartg., Pioneer PD65 Elite Series CD player, Denon DRM-740 cass deck, Martin Logan Aerius i speakers. I owned an early model run of this unit about 1 1/2 years ago. The unit was mated with the ML Aerius i. It had sparkle and dynamics, but lacked a bit of warmth.

I then spent the next 1 1/2 years experimenting with various tube amps. Such amps added some warmth but lacked ultimate dynamics and bass. Eventually, I upgraded from the ML Aerius to the MS SL3. The SL3 is quite a bit tougher to drive. The tube amps suffered. So, I just recently foung a tweaked, calibrated NIB T200 from a former Threshold dealer.

I mated it to the ML SL3's, and the match was wonderful. The key seems to be matching the electronics to speaker load to get optimum performance. Tubes and ss can both sound wonderful if they are properly matched to a given speaker load. For my speakers, the T200 is a GREAT match.

The sound has body, life, and balance; just natural. I owned an early model run of this unit about 1 1/2 years ago.

The unit was mated with the ML Aerius i. It had sparkle and dynamics, but lacked a bit of warmth. I then spent the next 1 1/2 years experimenting with various tube amps. Such amps added some warmth but lacked ultimate dynamics and bass. Eventually, I upgraded from the ML Aerius to the MS SL3. The SL3 is quite a bit tougher to drive.

The tube amps suffered. So, I just recently foung a tweaked, calibrated NIB T200 from a former Threshold dealer. I mated it to the ML SL3's, and the match was wonderful. The key seems to be matching the electronics to speaker load to get optimum performance. Tubes and ss can both sound wonderful if they are properly matched to a given speaker load. For my speakers, the T200 is a GREAT match. The sound has body, life, and balance; just natural.

Overview This is the Series II version of the ever popular S/500. As with the S/500, you are getting 250W per channel with a sound quality that is hard to match or even beat at the under $3,000 price range. This is an amp that is not just powerful but brings refinement along with it. It sounds fast, more “efficient” with a smooth power delivery. Sometimes, with other amps, you get all this power at a compromise – distortion.

But not so with the S/500 Series II. This amp was previously overhauled with all new CAPS, transistors and resistors. The previous owner couldn’t find the paperwork but we can confirm that the caps that were replaced, were the higher capacity Nippon Chemicon 68,000 micro Farad caps. The original ones were only 30,00o micro Farad caps. We do have the paperwork for the optical bias upgrade that was done.

So this living legend will continue to soldier on for another 15 or more years. Cosmetically,the look looks really good. Minor scuff marks here and there. The right rack handle has a small “scrape” under it which you can see from the pictures. All heatsinks are straight with just minor scuff marks.

No dings or dents. We don’t have the original box but will securely pack this monster for safe shipping.

Original manual included.