Svchost Exe Slowing Down Computer


X Attention: Your computer may be missing important Windows™ system files. Svchost.exe error is caused from installing and uninstalling software, not updating programs on time and poor computer maintenance. The leading cause of error messages is a corrupt operating system. It's highly recommended that you scan your pc with! Symptoms: Common issues are program lock-ups, slow PC performance, application(s) not responding, system freezes, startup and shutdown problems, installation errors, missing drivers and hardware failure. Recommendation: Reimage is highly recommended to repair Svchost.exe error. This software is designed to diagnose and repair Windows errors, systematically optimize speed, improve memory and fine tune your PC for maximum performance.

Just follow the easy (Instructions) To Fix Svchost.exe Error. AP asked on My computer functions so much better. I run it at a high performance output all day and at night I let it catch up to me at a more efficient pace. Reimage, thanks for tweaking my pc to a pristine condition.

Is svchost.exe showing high memory and high CPU usage? Do you think svchost.exe is slowing your computer? Learn all about this mysterious Windows exe file. Download save2pc pro 3.60 full. SOLVED Svchost.exe suspicious, slows down the computer. Discussion in 'Malware Removal Assistance For Windows' started by shain, Aug 21, 2015.

Comments are closed. Why Do Windows Errors Happen? There's actually a number of reasons why errors might of happened, but of course the most common reason is caused when new programs are installed over all old ones, causing registry pile ups and of course, getting windows error messages. Another reason, is damage that's been done by malware programs, attaching themselves to your PC and wrecking havoc, deleting crucial files from your PC.

99% of the time, a program called, designed just for this specific reason, so you don't have to pay some geek like us $90hr to fix your PC, can be used to repair all of your computer's error messages, missing or broken files. Looks over your computer's registry and repairs the following: Internet Explorer errors, ActiveX errors, Javascript and scripting errors, C errors, EXE/ DLL/ OCX/ INF/ VXD errors and more. Not to mention, fine tune your computer for maximum performance. 'that's why we recommend it!' Fix Errors, Fix Your PC! With so many different settings, files and processes to monitor, it is hard to identify just what is slowing you down, let alone implement the necessary technical adjustments to recover speed and performance. Reimage can help you identify what's causing your PC to slow down.

You can fix your performance issues to finally have an optimized, cleaner, and faster PC. Reimage combines a professional range of tools to boost your computer's performance.

The program will give your PC a lift in performance with immediate gains in speed and responsiveness and multiple optimization features. ' Ahh, relax. You're moments away from a headache free computer. No more errors, no more slow downs. Just pure performance.' Restore PC Performance:.

Repair PC Problems. Decrease Program Load Time. Remove PC Clutter. Restore System Performance Minimum Requirements:. Install time: dsl: 5sec, dialup: 2min.

Svchost Exe Slowing Down Computer

Requirements: 1 GHz Processor, 512 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD The download is an evaluation version for diagnosing computer issues. To unlock all features and tools, subscription is required. Copyright © 2017 - All Rights Reserved. United States 04444. Microsoft and /Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. is independent from Microsoft Corporation. All Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The information on this page is provided for informational purposes only. For full functionality of the software, registration is required.

Please also recognize that the comments depicted on this site were submitted through The comments are based on what some users have achieved with this product.


Hello, I recently went on a vacation about a week and a half ago, and before hand, I shutdown my computer so there were no memory leaks for my time gone 6 Days. I came back home and turned on computer which ran fine for a while. But then my computer started acting up, which it does every once and a while but this has lasted ever since I got back.

Norton is my Anti-Virus, and keeps telling me that 'svchost.exe' is using up lots of memory. I must have at least 15+ svchost.exe processes open for what so ever reason. 3 of which are at high usage One at 70,000 and the second at 20,000 and the other one at 10,000.

The first two 70,000 and 20,000 are both in the Username category of 'System' and the third one 10,000 is in the 'Local Service' username category. I'm in need of help to solving this.

It may also be a good idea to boot into Safe Mode and check your memory use as Safe Mode runs on minimum processes. Clean Boot is another useful troubleshooting tool - If you find nothing when running via Clean Boot - While most AV's are supposed to detect Spyware as well as virus/malware Spyware Search and Destroy specialises in spyware detection, and may be another useful cross-reference. It would seem that if you have spyware that is using a lot of RAM then it would also be using some cpu resources as it sends it's information out on the net. Btw - I've never had malware/spyware in ten years of using a PC (have had false positives from my AV though), but I don't use torrent sites, social networking, or open any junk e-mails both of which are the main source of bad stuff.

Svchost Exe Netsvcs High Disk

While your problem may be something else, virus, etc are known to install when re-booting and can install into the boot sector of the HDD where they are very difficult to remove.