How To Read Teamviewer Log File


I came to my computer today and have not been here since monday afternoon. I am using windows 7. There were some error messages showing even on the log in screen about memory violations done by spotify and one more (I can't remember), and I just clicked them away, even though it is not normal on my PC. Sometimes it freezes on the login screen and I have to reboot, but this was different. But I did not take a note of the messages as I just didn't care.


After logging in, I noticed that my Teamviewer client was running (the GUI was showing). I thought this was odd, since I haven't been using it lately. I was a bit curious, so I checked the log. I will not include it here, as I don't know how to read it and I do not know what could identify me. It seems that it was an update leading to this, but I am not sure.

Probably, but I don't like the fact that the GUI was showing with my ID and password showing. They could have silently updated it or have given me a message.

How can the answer be improved? Hello all, My computer was a little funny this morning, in that some things was missing from my desktop that was there yesterday.

So, this leads me to the question: How to figure out if someone has been using TeamViewer 8 to access my computer when I was not here? What to look for in logs and perhaps the Windows 7 event logs? And a bonus Q: Is it safe to have TeamViewer 8 running in the background at all? If you can pull it off one of the best security things you can do with TeamViewer is under the Advanced options change the 'connections to this computer' setting from full access to 'confirm all'. This will require that someone is sitting at the computer in order for TeamViewer to allow any inbound access. Failing that if you only connect to your computer from one or two remote systems there is a blacklist / whitelist option which you can use to restrict only certain TeamViewer IDs to.

Php Read Log File

– May 2 '13 at 13:25.

Tool To Read Log Files

Sometimes you may be asked to locate your TeamViewer log files and send them to TeamViewer to help solve a problem. You can submit them to us with a ticket from. Please note that we always need the event protocol of both partners. Additionally, we need the approximate time when the problem occurred.

Teamviewer How To Connect

Depending on the operating system, the log files can be found in the following storage location: To find the log files on a Windows or Mac computer: 1. Open the TeamViewer window and click Extras Open Log Files. 2. Locate the file called 'TeamViewerXXLogfile.log', where 'XX' is your TeamViewer version. 3. If there is also a file called 'TeamViewerXXLogfileOLD.log', please include this too. To find the log files on a Linux: The relevant information and logfiles are stored within a ZIP file. The file can be created via command line. If asked for log files, run the following command (with root) on a command line: teamviewer ziplog 2. Please send us the ZIP file.