Fully Automated Install


The purpose of FAN is to provide a quick and easy installation which includes the most-used tools in the Nagios community. The FAN CD-ROM is ISO-certified, it is thus very easy to install. A large number of tools are also being distributed, which makes the implementation of an efficient monitoring platform much easier. Linux-based operating system FAN is based on CentOS.

  1. FAI
  2. Features
  3. Poster / Flyer


  1. Download Fully Automatic Installation for free. FAI is a non-interactive system to install, customize and manage Linux systems and software configurations on.
  2. Fully automated Linux desktop install by preseeding a PXE booted LiveCD PXE booting a Linux distribution is not difficult, and neither is preseeding the installation process. But combining the two for a fully automated Linux desktop installation over PXE in my home network took quite a lot of googling and trial+error.

Creating a fully automated Windows 7 answer file. File that would perform a fully unattended Windows installation. And install Windows Automated.

All CentOS packages remain available, so that you can keep all the advantages of CentOS while having the Nagios tools already installed and configured for you. Integrated tools:.: core monitoring application;. Nagios plug-ins: plug-ins to monitor different equipments;.: Web interface for Nagios (Centreon is one of the best for this purpose!);.: advanced mapping (geographical, functional, by services);.


Mailing Lists / IRC / Wiki

Poster / Flyer

NDOUtils: stores the Nagios data into a MySQL database;. NRPE: makes it possible to monitor the Windows servers (the NRPE daemon is not provided);. (Nagios Reporting Tools): reporting tool (availability report).